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Toplist directory of virtual galleries, museums, painters websites, links, webring

Susan Ottevanger
Underseascapes, shore line contemporary paintings.
Silvana Langlois. Pintura naif
Artista argentina dedicada a la pintura naif. Galer?a de obras
Marilyn Itrat. Arte Naif
Galer?a de obras de la artista argentina Marilyn Itrat. Trayectoria, cr?ticas, taller
Lidia Papic. Pintura Naif
Trayectoria de la pintora argentina, Lidia Papic. Galer?a de obras, comentarios de cr?ticos de arte y distinciones recibidas.
Rana Muller Art Studio & Gallery UK
Abstract art. Oil on canvas. ?My artworks are abstract and modern.I love painting on large canvasses, using bright and bold colours, either starkly contrasted, or one colour flowing from another.'
Arno Boueilh, artiste peintre r?aliste et figurati
Biographie et presentation des oeuvres de l'artiste.
art 4 collector
Paintings of a nude man, woman, portraits, still-life, flowers and naive style paintings
The Four Seasons by Mona Youssef
Oil Paintings in realism style capture the vivid colors of the four seasons in different subjects such as birds, wild animals, flowers, landscape, nutre and people
Paintings exhibition ans sale
Marc Ulrich's works exhibition and sale. Marc Ulrich is an independant painter and illustrator
The Caledonia Gallery Online
Please enjoy this gallery featuring the surrealist works of John Lynch. The works here are engaging and thought-provoking.
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