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Toplist directory of virtual galleries, museums, painters websites, links, webring

Dominique's Paintings
Original Oil Paintings Landascapes
PERLE, Artist Painting Fantasy and fairies
Nutan Shukla - Indian Fine Artist
Colors and lines do not make a painting --which is related to the mind. Paintings are part of me and I take up the subjects which touch me deeply and move me from inside. I express myself through this medium. For me a worker on the street is like an artist as he toils but displays a smile and humility. This life that I saw closely, is reflected in my painting. I like markets, public places, fairs and villages where people of various kinds freely interact with each other. This basic colors that flash in the market place attract me and those are reflected in my paintings. The flea market in Goa and the Pushkar fair in Rajasthan inspired me greatly and I made several paintings on these themes.
Artwork by William Duggan
Realistic, contemporary paintings of animal, flowers and landscapes by Canadian artist, William Duggan.
Miguel Angel Avila's Art Gallery
Online art gallery featuring the artwork of contemporary fine artist Miguel Angel Avila.
Artist Inga Titova
Life and creativity of russian artist Inga Titova. Works in batik, oil,a water color. On a site collections of a dress and a pictures of the artist.
Bakkach F.
Bakkach F. est une peintre autodidacte qui fait des peintures ? huile et des aquarelles.
occitania art
cultura d'oc paintings by Claude Dubois artist,search fractale. welcome every body on the website.
Erik Laveze
Ger Groeneveld
Ducht oil painter with fascinating paintings of Horses, Girls, Romantic Scenes, Magic Landscapes, Still Life and Old Masters.
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