Forum about the art in generanl, fantastic painting, drawing, cinema, visual arts, scene arts, videos games, links Artist painter of fabrics fantastic, surrealist, erotic, oil painting blog about michele vincent's painting, surrealist, erotic, fantasy art, oil painting and drawing

Toplist directory of virtual galleries, museums, painters websites, links, webring

Galerie pr?sentant des artistes faisant partie des "grands" du XX?me si?cle ? tendance fantastique : BELLOR - MICHEL HAILLARD - DE RECONDO - le cr?ateur Denis BRUYERE
Monthly Herald
International magazine on world arts and artists reviews. Editor-in-Chief: Maximillien de Lafayette. Editor: Ruth Sielberg
Bernheim-Jeune Fine Arts Site
Modern artists of one of the olders fine arts galleries in Paris specializing in Impressionists
A french contemporary woman painter, who explores body language, as a corporal syntaxis. Creator of the new "Kinesthesic Figuration" wave. Member of the Whos'who of International Art. Salon des Artistes Fran?ais in Paris. fourth Firenze biennal of contemporary art, as artist representing France.
Cene g?l Art Gallery
Real ans surreal oil paintings
Markus Rapp Bildhauer
Carving in stone
250 photos of paintings and drawings about my going throu the life
gallery site dedicaced to the world photography;free exposure of your pictures.Welcome all photographers around the world.
Enza Di Pentima's Art Gallery
The love towards the nature in all his shapes and forms is what shines from the suggestive images from the vibrating colors dense of tones present in Enza Di Pentima's pictures. In addition to a large, but not exhaustive, anthological gallery of artworks manufactured from 1955, the web site collects the critical opinions about the artist and her biographical notes and career.
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