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Toplist directory of virtual galleries, museums, painters websites, links, webring

Enosfer creations ferronnier d\'art
Cr?ations originales en fer gorg? aux lignes ?pur?es allant du mobilier contemporain aux objets d?coratifs de l'habitat
Forges du Jabron
Bernard Delor, blacksmith and knifemaker, creates custom items : folding knives, hunting knives, middle-ages forging, etc. He also makes oriental arms, paying respects to ancient traditional arms from Ottoman Empire, Persia, India, China, Arabia...
Saori C. Jewelry Designs
Delicate, feminine designs handcrafted from silver, gold, pearls, and semi-precious stones. Our designer jewelry collection features unique original limited-edition necklaces, chokers, pendants, earrings, and bracelets, as well as a large wedding & bridal jewelry collection, even silver baby spoons. Custom orders available.
le marquis
Bulgarian Master Silversmith - Valentin Yotkov
Reviving chasing and repousse in art metals.
Artist Metalsmith~ Rocio Heredia
Rocio is an artist of the Mexican Contemporary generation. She uses traditional metalsmithing techniques of Chasing and Repousse to raise intricate designs on fine silver, gold, copper, brass and tin. View her beautiful sculpted metal-work reliefs. She infuses this unique medium with the passion of her deeply felt faith and poetic expertise.
A Miniature Sculpture Of Metal .
You can look here some of souvenirs, statuettes, medals,etc. of metal. Many of work made in techniques : casting , engraved, stamped, galvanized, etc. . You could make order on miniature of metal also. Uniqueness of every work is guaranteed.
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